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Streusal Kuchen
(with a Variety of Different Streusals)

Streusal Kuchen or Butter Kuchen
Streusal Kuchen and Butter Kuchen is the basic kuchen dough with a little sour cream or butter, and topped with Streusal. I go through some different styles of Streusal.

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Prep time: | Cook time: | Total time: | Yield: 8 cups , Serving size: 1 cup | Calories per serving: 216 | Fat per serving: 10 gr | carbs per serving: 27 gr | protein per serving:4 gr

8 x 13 inch oven proof baking pan

Pre Heat Oven to 350 degrees F


1 recipe Kuchen dough

1/2 cup Sour cream
1/2 cup softened butter

White sugar Streusal
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup white flour
4 tablespoons softened butter

Brown sugar Streusal
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup white flour
4 tablespoons softened butter


printer friendly           Metric Conversion Chart

Read more about the best Baking Dishes
for Kuchen

Some of the best Glass Baking Dishes
For Kuchen



Square Edge Metal Cake Pans

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees


Make the Kuchen Dough and spread it out into a greased 8 x 13 baking dish or one of your choice. I am leaving some dough to use as one of the 3 Streusal toppings.

Gather your ingredients. flour for the Streusals are measured in the 2 bowls, and sugars in measuring cups, cinnamon and vanilla.
Butter and the excess dough. The sour cream isn't featured here

The first Streusal I made is with flour, butter, cinnamon and a few drops of vanilla extract.

The brown sugar Streusal is made the same way using brown instead of white.

Now with the Streusals ready Lets put it together.


Spread some sour cream on half of the kuchen and butter on the other half.

Sprinkle the white sugar Streusal on one third of the Kuchen. Repeat for the brown sugar one and then cut the dough into little bits and top the last third.

Bake the kuchen at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes till nicely browned
and toothpic tests done.
Remove from oven and cool on rack

White Sugar Streusal

The white sugar is very clean and light looking.

Brown Sugar Streusal

This is by far my favorite as far as flavor or texture.

Dough Streusal

This makes an interesting texture. It is by far the easiest as you don't have to mix a separate batch. You can of course do a blend of different Streusals as well.

I like to serve this with whipped cream and coffee. In our family we often had Kaffe und Kuchen in the afternoon like many Germans. It doesn't have to be Kuchen any nice pastry will do.

Maybe you should try to make this Kuchen also with different Streusals to see what one you like.

Other Streusal Options

You can add 1/2 cup chopped almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts to the Streusal.

Also you can substitute half of the flour with oatmeal.

Also of interest is that i used a Spring form pan wthat i really like.

I made a brown sugar Streusal and added 1 cup of sliced almonds

Bake as you would other streusals , unmold and serve a wedge. I very much like using the Spring form pan as opposed to a rectangular baking dish,however I always remember grandma using it so I will do this every now and then.


Oatmeal Streusal

Oatmeal makes a good addition to your Streusal.
I just substitute any kind of rolled oats (Old Fashioned or Quick) for 1/2 of the flour or breadcrumbs in the Streusal recipe.

Works well on a Kuchen or even muffins.

Pure Delicate White Streusal

This is a delicate neutral tasting Streusal made with

1 cup powdered sugar
1 cup white flour
4-6 tablespoons butter
dash of vanilla extract

you can also flavor it with orange or lemon zest and spices like cinnamon.

It makes a nice crunchy topping for cake like muffins.



The Best Glass Baking Dishes

Most of the Pyrex glass baking dishes are good work horses,
and very inexpensive with nearly all 5 star reviews. Even Cooks Illustrated gives them the highest reviews
unless you want to put them under the broiler.

A square edge metal Baking pan has lots of advantages
You get a uniform baked edge instead of the rounded beveled edges that can dry out
by the time the rest is done. Also you get uniform looking squares of kuchen.

Pyrex 2 piece value set
Oblong Glass Baking Dishes

The Amazon link doesn't provide the sizes for this nice
value pack of 2 glass baking dishes.

the large 3 quart is 9 x 13 in and the small one is 7 x 11 in

Lid for the 7 by 11 glass baking dish


13 x 9 Metal Square Cornered Baking Pan
Made by USA company





8 piece pyrex easy grab
Bakeware and Food Storage.




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Plum Kuchen (Pizza like)


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Last updated September 27, 2016