1. Blanch the Kale in boiling salted water .
2. Rinse and drain thoroughly. . This gets out much of the bitterness.
Slice into strips
3. Saute bacon and onions into a large Dutch Oven style pot till onions and bacon are soft.
4. Add the Kale strips and saute till lightly cooked.
5. Add Stock, allspice and mustard.
6. Add the Cooked Corned Beef and Sausage and continue cooking for
1 hour. As the Kale cooks and the liquid evaporates keep adding water or stock to replenish.
7. Add the oatmeal, this is to thicken the liquid.
8. continue to cook another hour on very low. Stir very often and check so it doesn't stick on the bottom. Add a bit of stock if needed to keep a nice texture.
When the Gruenkohl is almost done heat a skillet to medium and add the oil and butter and let it
come to a sizzle.
Brown the potatoes on all sides, and let the butter brown as well it adds to the flavor.
fish them with salt and pepper if needed.
The combination is extraordianry even though the Gruenkohl is not the prettiest. I guaruntee you will be amazed.