The technique of baking fish, chicken or whatever and vegetables with seasoning is as old as the hills that some of the nomads cooked this, that could be put on the coals and cook a nice “one pot style” meal for a tired soul and keep the aroma’s in from drawing hungry intruders.
With a little resourcefulness you can always find something to seal your masterpiece from Clay to certain large leaves. Centuries later I find that aluminum foil works perfectly and easy to get a nice seal.
The gourmet chef that turned this into fancy 5-star cuisine in the mid 1800’s used parchment paper to seal in his seafood delicacy he created for a banquet in honor of a Brazilian hot air balloonist. The built up steam created a balloon like effect for the patrons and the dramatic explosion of aroma and flavor when the “balloon” is popped and opened up.
Serves 4
4- 6 oz. Chicken Breasts
8 oz of asparagus
8 oz of spinach
1 red onion
1 cup chopped green onion
16 lemon wedges, from 2 -3 lemons
4 garlic cloves minced
4 teaspoons of crushed marjoram, thyme or basil
1 cup white wine
Olive oil
4 large pieces of heavy duty foil about 18 inches
printer friendly Metric Conversion Chart

30 Count Foil Pans
By Dobi
I use and reuse these all the time.
They are disposable also, so are good for a heavy baked item.
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Pre heat oven to 375 degrees

1. Gather the ingredients together, slice the asparagus in 1 inch diagonals, chop the green onions in small slices, slice the red onion in small slices, and mince the garlic. |

2. In the center of the foil place the spinach, purple onion, green onion, asparagus, garlic, olive oil, a little white wine 1 teaspoon of the marjoram, thyme or basil, salt and pepper and mix it up a bit.

3. Place the chicken breast on top of the vegetables and a little olive oil and salt and pepper. Put 4 small lemon wedges around the breast. |

4. Wrap up the foil into nice bundles and secure the top well.
Place them on a baking sheet. |

5. Bake the bundles in the oven for 30 -40 minutes till an internal temperature of 165 degrees. |

6. Place the bundle on a plate and serve unopened. |

7. It's fun to let folks open up the foil and get that nice blast of aroma and steam that is so wonderful. They can then transfer the chicken to the plate if they don't like eating out of the foil. |

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I try to get in bulk to make the shipping dollars count.
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