pre heat oven to 350 degrees F

1. Mix crust ingredients like you would traditional pie crust on cutting board or table. |

Knead until mixed to form ball. |

2. Roll out with rolling pin until about ½-cm to 1 cm thick. |
3. Transfer to a pie pan or Spring form with sides about 3 cm high.(should dough crumble or break
during transfer, don’t worry, just knead together with fingers. It does so easily)
4. Arrange cut Apples in circular fashion(You can sprinkle Raisins, that have been
soaked in warm water for a couple of minutes, over the apples.)
5. Start baking in oven, on middle rack, at 350 F. for 15-20 min. Remove from oven and let sit. |
6. While base is baking prepare topping.
7. Mix half of sour cream with sugar, egg yolks and lemon.
8. Take egg whites and beat until stiff, set aside.
9. Now fold rest of sour cream and flour into the egg yolks.

10. Fold in Egg whites.

11. Pour over half backed crust and continue baking until topping is golden.
(another 15 to 20 Min)

12. Cool off and enjoy
You can also replace the Apples with Rhubarb which has been cut in small pieces and sugared. You would want enough to cover the bottom 2 cm thick.
Before you add the Rhubarb cover the base with some breadcrumbs

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