Shredding the Potatoes
The potatoes should be shredded very fine. When I first made these I only had a coarse shredder
so I put them in a food processor to make them fine enough. You could also chop them with a knife.

Peel the potatoes and keep them in water with some acid solution like vinegar, lemon juice or anti-oxident until you are ready to shred. |

Shred roughly half of the potatoes and boil the rest for mashed potatoes. You can use any ratio you want. some like more raw potatoes, some like more cooked potato. |

It is important however to have the shreds smaller. So I used a food processor to grind them smaller.
You could also just use a knfie. |

Here is what size the shreds should look like.

Now you need to sqeeze the water out of the potatoes. This is very important. . A potato ricer squeezes out the water well without too much effort. |

Another way is to use a towel. |

Put a handful of shredded potatoes in the center of a tea towel and wrap the towel around it. |

Roll it up in a ball and squeeze out the water. Gently so you don't rip the towel. |

The potato is dry and holds in a ball. |
Making the Croutons
The croutons are too stuff in the center of the dumplings, otherwise it would never cook properly
in the center. The dumpling would likely end up dissolving on the outside.

Dry rolls are perfect for this. |

Cut off the crust and cut into 1/2 inch croutons. At least I like to cut off the crust. |
Brown them in a sklllet on medium heat with the oil and butter. Watch out they burn. So stir them often while you are building your dough.

Add the mashed potatoes, 1 cup flour, eggs and seasonings and blend together. |

A nice tight dumpling dough is desired so here is where you can adjust it using more flour or potato flakes. |

Grab a ball of dough a little smaller than a tennis ball and flatten it out. |
It could be best to try a dumpling with some croutons and test it.

Here is a dumpling I should have put more croutons in. It didn't get done all the way through.

Flatten out the dough and add a few croutons.
roll it back up in a ball around them.

SImmer the balls in boiling salted water for about 15 -20 minutes. Don't over boil or they
will split. |

The combination of the raw and cooked potatoes makes a nice texture as well as unique flavor that you don't get with just cooked potatoes. |

Here is what they look like on the inside. The croutons add texture but also hasten the cooking time. If your making lage dumplings, imagine how long they would take to cook all the way to the center. |

You can also use the starch that is left in the bowl |

Add this to the potao mix in place of or in addition to the flour or potato flakes. |

My grandmother use to like to brown the dumplings in butter and even add some crushed saltine crackers to give them a crumb finish.

You can serve 1 big dumpling or several small ones. This is a dumpling made only with raw potatoes
also called a Thuringia Dumpling
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