Pork Reuben Rouladen
2 Classics
2 parts of the World come together
A Great Dish to make for the holidays!
Pork Reuben Rouladen

Pork Loin stuffed with Corned Beef, Swiss Cheese, and Sauerkraut and Rye Bread Stuffing. |
The Reuben Sandwich

Dark Rye bread with corned beef, swiss cheese and sauerkraut. |
This is a true German-American creation
blending 2 classics from each country!
Classic 1
from Germany

So who invented the German Rouladen?
I can't find much on a claim for who invented the first Roulden, or
how it was invented for example; after a famous event like Baked Alaska, or for a famous person;
Peach Melba, or a place, for instance; French Fries or Hollandaise.
But I commemorate whom ever did.
It has become a favorite in our family! Rouladen has become a German classic.
The word Rouladen is derived
from the French word "roules" meaning "to roll". The French rolled with
many kinds of stuffings, mushroom, vegetables, rice, potato. Also cured meats, which
acted as a seasoning agent.
The French were famous for making a dish into an art,
so there fancy "roulades" were stuffed with goodies like fancy mushromms, procuito, shallots,
in rich cream sauces, and such ....
However only in Germany did someone come up with the idea
of onions, bacon, mustard and pickles, that most would agree,
are the elements of a Geman Rouladen.

No one seems to know who developed this magical
flavor combination, but whoever did, it stuck.
If you want to make a traditional German Rouladen,
with the mustard, bacon, onions, bacon and pickle
Go Here...
Somewhere on any Sunday in Germany....
a mother or grandmother has chosen Rouladen to prepare
for the Sunday Dinner.
I read a wonderful story from a guy that grew up in a family of 7 and on Epiphany (Jan 6) Mom said the 5 sons got to choose the special meal.
They always chose Rouladen but they could only afford to make 5 for the family this time so the 5 boys had to split 3 and then whomever could get the remaining half went for it.

Read the recipe and story here
Franconia-tapas Website |
I Love searching in old newspapers ....
I pretend like I found them in an old attic, but really I
am on Newspapers.com... |

Pork has been a great price recently here so I bought a whole pork loin
for 1.99 a lb. I wanted to make a stuffed pork loin with some of it.
This is an interesting dish that combines a famous German dish and
a very famous sandwich that most folks would think is Geman but probably most Germans
have never heard of it.
2nd Classic
Reuben Sandwich

One of my all time favorites, a blend of Corned Beef, Swiss Cheese, Sauerkraut, Russian or Thousand Island
Dressing on Dark Rye, toasted to crisp the bread, melt the cheese, and heat the rest of the filling.
This beloved American sandwich was crafted in the early 1920's
in believe it or not, Omaha Nebraska. While it was named after a wholesale Grocer that requested it,
the creation was most likely by the European Chef and hotel owner Bernard Schimmel who came over
to run the Blackstone Hotel.
Read more about The Reuben sandwich history here
Go Here for a Recipe for the Original Bernard Schimmel Recipe
Reuben Sandwich