The Original Reuben Sandwich
from Bernard Schimmel's Book;
Joslyn Presents Bernad Schimmel's Masterpieces
History of the Reuben Sandwich 
The Schimmel Reuben Sandwich
4 slices Swiss or Emmentaler Cheese
4 (or more) Slices of Corned Beef
2 oz chilled, well drained sauerkraut
1 oz or less Thousand Island Dressing
Soft butter Mix thousand island dressing with sauerkraut that has been well drained.
Assembling Procedure:Spread outside of each of each slice dark rye with soft butter.
Lay bread unbuttered side up side by side Place Swiss cheese on each piece,
corned beef on one piece, sauerkraut on corned beef, then put together for grilling
on a sandwich grill or a skillet. Press together with spatula and cook on both sides till
bread has browned and hot through so cheese oozes. Eat immediately. Garnish with
dill pickle, rose radish and potato chips.

Here is another way to assemble and grill:
Lay each side of buttered bread on the grill, spread the Thousand Island Dressing on one or both sides, if you like, then cheese, then the corned beef and drained kraut. Brown both sides then close the sandwich up.