Slice the pears in nice thin but not too thin slices. It is your decision to peel or not to peel them.
I like to peel apples for Kuchen, but I don't feel you need to for the pears.

I like to toss a bit of sugar depending on how sweet the pears are. You may not need to
add any sugar at all. The vanilla however brings out a lot of the natural flavor in the pears
and the little bit of cinnamon is like putting on perfume, just a nice spice undertone.

Roll out 1/2 recipe of kuchen dough . Actually I made a full recipe and used the other half to make
cinnamon rolls.
So I roll out the dougha little larger than the Springform pan so I can creep it up
the sides. I really want to stress that keep the dough about 1/4 -1/2 inch thick. Seriously it will grow
and become too thick really easy.
Pre heat the oven to 375
Why use a Springform pan? My German friends always seem to use one for many desserts so
I am partial to that. I like the way you unmold it and it has a nice shape.

It doesn't kreep up that much but enough to give it a little edge. Now bake it for 10 minutes
to set the dough a bit. If you don't and you stack the custard and pears on top it doesn't raise
as well.

Meanwhile while the dough is in the oven, blend the cottage cheese , egg, vanilla and sugar
till it is nice and smooth. You can substitute sour cream, yogurt or even cream..
I also substitute Truvia for the sugar.

Spread the filling on the partially baked crust.

Put the pear slices on the custard. I like to place the slices in a nice pinwheel.

Then I like to pour the juice on top.

Mix up the Streusal. You can use white sugar, brown sugar or Truvia like I do.
You can also use bread crumbs in place of the flour or even oatmeal.

Sprinkle on the Streusal. I don't put too much on, I like to see the fruit. Then I like to sprnkle just a bit of cinnamon on top, it gives the finished product a nice look.
Bake for 30 - 45 min till it is
nicely browned on top and you can see the crust nicely browned on the side.
