1. Pour lukewarm water, yeast, and sugar in mixing bowl.

Grate Lemon zest with a microplane, hand grater or a vegetable peeler and dice fine.

2. Add melted (not hot) butter, warmed milk, salt, lemon peel if you like, and beaten eggs. Mix well.

3. Add flour, 1 cup at a time, mixing well after each cup. Add more flour, if necessary, to make a smooth dough, and turn out onto a floured surface. You can either mix it in a bowl like I showed up above or you can mix it in a mixer.

4. Knead very lightly. 5. Let rise for about 1 hour; punch down and let rest for 10 minutes. Meanwhile prepare apple and custard toppings.
Apple Topping;
4 medium sized apples
1/3 C. Sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons cinnamon
6. I used 4 apples 2 semi-tart red skin apples, these were Fuji, and 2 tart Granny Smith apples. I did this just to give a variety of flavor.
Peel and core apples, then cut into ¼ inch slices. |
1 beaten egg
1 cup cream or 1 / 2 cup sour cream with 1 / 2 cup milk
2 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
Crumb Topping:
1 / 2 cup bread crumbs
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons melted butter
Mix all ingredients in a bowl.

You can make custard out of so many things that you may have in your fridge, when you don't have cream or sour cream. I have used yogurt and cottage cheese blended with a food processor, or just pressed through a sieve.
line the bottome with a good half inch to an inch of custard. You can either make a decorative display of the apples or make a nice pile.

I loved the decorative display this time.

Then sprinkle crumbs and bake at 350° for about 30 - 45 min.
The temperature should be about 184 degrees. If it gets hotter the apples loose their structure and
start to turn to applesauce.
It's an interesting piece of science that the pectin which helps hold the apple together and starts to break down if it gets to hot,
If the apple filling is bubbling it is also a good sign that it is done, and the crust os golden brown.

Let it cool for a few minutes, and then take the springform sides off.
I sometimes brush the crust with melted butter

My favorite way of serving it is with whipped cream. The crust is like that of a cinnamon roll and not pie crust so a little whipped cream or "Schlagsane" moistens just right.