Alfred Walterspiel was a famous German chef, restaurant er and Hotelier 1881-1960 whose most famous restaurants were in Berlin. He is a native from Baden where it is said they like their potato salad "glitschig" which is a word like slippery.
This is a great choice for summer picnics because it doesn't have mayonnaise or bacon in it.
Andrea Meyers on her cooking blog says that when they were in Swabia, they had this salad and it was often a base for a green salad.

Gather your ingredients. You can use chicken or vegetable broth. Several good vinegars are white wine, champagne or sherry. A very popular oil in Germany is sunflower oil. It is very mild. Extra virgin olive oil is a choice also. Alfred Walterspiel used onion juice, probably to keep the salad clean looking. I don't mind the onion chunks so I just diced them and added. I also made a batch with onion juice, so I used a small bullet food processor.

Cut the potatoes into equal size pieces and any dark eyes out. Boil the potatoes in water with 1 teaspoon of salt.

Drain and l et the potatoes cool for 20 minutes. Peel and slice the potatoes and carefully put them into a stainless bowl so as not to break. |

Add the salt and pepper |

Then add the broth that has been mixed with the mustard.

Let this sit for 30 minutes while you do something else. |

Next add the parsley-chive mix and the oil that has been mixed with vinegar.
Toss lightly and serve or chill. It is good slightly warm or chilled.
Here is the chilled salad. It scoops well and keeps a nice shape. |
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Andrea Meyers Version of Swabischer Kartoffelsalat
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