First choose your cookie. I made a family favorite called Mandelschnitten. "Almond- Slices"
You can also use a cookie like a Marie BIscuit

Get your ingredients ready.
weigh out your chocolate or you can estimate, a little more or less will still be good.
Measure out the coconut oil, cream (or milk and butter)

Melt the chocolate and coconut oil in a pan over a double boiler. Some folks use a microwave but this is
a much more controled way, and you won't burn it. Add the sugar....

Then add the vanilla extract, and rum, and then the cream or (milk and butter) and cook till it thickens up.

You can use lots of things in your kitchen to make the shape of your choice. I am chosing this casserole dish,
and I greased and then line with wax paper or plastic wrap. This will make it easier to remove.

Make a bottom layer of chocolate in the casserole dish and then we will add the cookies.

Place a layer of cookies....

Add another layer of the chocolate and then a layer of cookies.

Top it off with a layer of chocolate and when it chills a bit you can add more to fill in the gaps and make
a more smooth top.
Chill for a few hours or overnight till it solidifies. Then run a paring knife around the edge to

I added a fig half with the stem end for it's snout and 2 slices for the eyes. You can be creative with any fruit
really to make a head and eyes.

I cut 2 thin 1/4 inch slices and a little whipped cream and you have a nice desset.
