Fasching 2022
Happy Rosenmontag
(Rose Monday)
Every Fastnacht, I try to learn a little bit more about this celebration, the tradition, history and how
they blended a pagan festival with a religious one.
Before we were able to see clouds and weather with high tech equipment and see the tiniest of substances
and forecast for the future, weather, when the sun will be back, store food, fight disease,our German relatives
had many superstitions they used to keep the faith,care away evil spirits and bring good luck
to ensure the sun would return and bring a bountiful harvest.

Early missionaries tried to use this festival and focus the meaning on
lent. So the day prior to the 40 days of fasting before Easter was a perfect day for celebration
and to use up your winter supplies of meat, eggs and milk.
Donuts were a perfect choice!
Jump to the present and we can enjoy these traditional celebrations virtually without having to travel.
I want to show you one of the parades I would love to see physically sometime in Alstadt, Germany.
The Rosenmontag parade today in Köln which is famous is also a demonstration against the war in Ukraine
What is Rosenmontag?
(Rose Monday)
It has nothing to do with the flower and comes from the German word "roose",
meaning to "frolic".
However it also has to do with it being the fourth Monday of lent because the pope
traditional consecrated a golden rose the Sunday before, which has biblical symbolic meaning.

Knieküchle (Ausgezogene)

Pennsylvania Dutch Fastnact Donut |

Angel Wings |
The German Tradition of Fasching Parades

While some might compare these parades with masks to something like Halloween,
that is like comparing a Hostess Ding Dong to a Black Forest Cherry Torte.
The masks have traditions going back to those medeival times when
Scary masks were used to scare away winter demons and
ensure the sun would return in spring and bring fresh greens and
start crops for the harvest.
While Local guilds use many traditional costumes characters
they also have their own costumes
that sometimes symbolize local events in history.
A Fasching Parade in the
Swabian Alemannic region
This is one of my favorite Fasching Parade video's to watch
Albstadt, Germany 2017
in (Baden-Württemberg)
Some of the Main Characters for the Fasching Parade
Whole Books could be devoted to the traditional characters that are a part of the Fastnacht parade
These characters have legends and stories that are centuries old.
All the differerent characters have Kleidle (costumes) that are part of each Narrenguild
The Demon Figures

The Jesters (Narren)

Hexe Witches

Animal Figures
The Hairy Bear
((Hooringer Baer)

Here is a walk down Memory lane
in Cologne on 2019, just before things were locked down in Germany.
Relax and enjoy watching as you do some other things.
Rosenmontag Parades (Rose Monday)
This happened today in Cologne, Germany, who is very famous for their
Rose Mondy Parades before Fasching Teusday
Today the parades seem to be combined with a demonstration against the war in Ukraine.
Here is some live stream

Through modern technology we can enjoy music from Germany at the touch of your computer, there are many venues now, Pandora, Amazon music, and Youtube is free.
I love my noise canceling headphones that are completely wireless and give incredible sound! |
Bose Headphones
over 2500 perfect reviews, it is a bit of an investment but worth every penny. |

Round Spaetzle Pan
stainless steel
with Scraper
I like this round version of the spaetzle tool as it fits nicely on a pot. Many great reviews on this pan.

Westmark Spaetzle press
This is a wonderful tool from Germany, that makes the longer Spaetzle noodles. My German friend brought one over from Germany for me.
Empty Table