<>*<>* GERMAN GOODIES April 18, 2019
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While you read the newsletter here is some fun Easter Music


Guten Gründonnerstag!
(Green Thursday)

Interesting German Easter
Traditions and Recipes
Part 1


Our German Cookbook


The German tradition of the
Osterbaum ( Easter Tree)

Making Easter eggs with natural dye

How Did the Easter Bunny get from Germany to the United States


Easter Fountain


Willard Austria



A celebration of spring herb soup served on the Thursday before Easter.

(Easter Bread)

a special bread that is made for Easter
that includes the symbol of colorful Easter Eggs



How Did the Easter Bunny get from Germany to the United States

In pagan times, the "Easter hare" was no ordinary animal, but a sacred companion of the old goddess of spring, Eostre.
The Easter bunny has its origin in pre-Christian fertility lore. The Hare and the Rabbit were the most fertile animals known and they served as symbols of the new life during the Spring season.

Since long before Jesus Christ was born, parents told their children that the magic hare would bring them presents at the spring festival. The presents were often painted eggs, as these represented the new life starting at this time of year.


" Hares are animals which look like rabbits, but are larger and in many countries quite rare. In most places, the Easter rabbit (bunny) has replaced the Easter hare completely.

The bunny was first used as a symbol of Easter in 16th century Germany , where it was first mentioned in German writings. The first edible Easter bunnies, made primarily of pastry and sugar, were produced in Germany as well, during the early 1800s. Also in Germany , children made nests of grass and placed them in their yards. They believed the Easter Bunny would fill these baskets with brightly decorated eggs during the night.

The Easter bunny was introduced to American folklore by the German settlers who arrived in the Pennsylvania Dutch country during the 1700s. The arrival of the "Oschter Haws" was considered "childhood's greatest pleasure" next to a visit from Christ-Kindel on Christmas Eve. The children believed that if they were good the "Oschter Haws" would lay a nest of colored eggs.

Thus the custom of making nests also spread to America . Children would build their nest in a secluded place in the home, the barn or the garden. Boys would use their caps and girls their bonnets to make the nests . The use of elaborate Easter baskets would come later as the tradition of the Easter bunny spread through out the country.

(Easter Tree)


Karen Kinnane last year went to Kleinzerbst, Germany and talks about the German Osterbaums that decorate many villages

Karen writes...Germany is very festive, so many homes in the villages including Kleinzerbst have "Easter egg trees" inside and outside the houses.  Inside they often use forsythia branches and in time the "trees" sprout yellow flowers, plus the blown out and decorated colored eggs.

Anne and her Mother used to dye the eggs with home made colors, blowing out the eggs for the shells for the Ostern tree decorations, and using the bent wood match with the string through the egg shell out the smaller hole at the top of the eggshell in order to hang them from the ostern tree after dyeing them with the natural dyes: purple red from beets, yellow from onion skins, green from the stinging nettles of which I don't know the German name or the American name as we have them here at the edge between the fields and the woods. You don't want to touch this plant because it stings your bare skin, makes it itch, NOT POISON IVY! They boiled the organic material and then boiled the eggs in the colored water.


Making Easter Eggs with Natural Dye

Here is a nice colored egg that I made by boiling yellow onion skins. I was very pleased with the nice goldish yellow color.


Simmer the onion skins in some water to get the nice color for the dye.

Wash the egg to get anything off that might keep the dye from setting. Use a small nail or needle and twist carefully till it goes through the shell.Turn the egg over and repeat.
Blow out one end of the shell over a bowl, and the egg will come out.

I put the egg in the simmering yellow dye. Add a little salt or a tablespoon of vinegar as a "mordant" which is something that will help set the dye.

Light Reddish Egg
Red Beets

Here is one made with Beets

Just chop up fresh beets and boil

Bright Purple Egg

Blueberry Dye

Put blueberries in a food processor

Yellow Egg

Ground Turmeric

Simmer 1 1/2 cups of water with turmeric for 2 minutes.

Light Tan Egg

Coffee Dye

Make very strong coffee about double strength

More descriptions of Natural dyes

Gründonnerstag Suppe
Fresh Creamy Herb Soup

I found it interesting reading about a tradition in Germany called
Gründonnerstagsuppe or Green Thursday which is served on Gründonnerstag or Maundy Thursday.

The tradition itself is more about the green being a symbol for new life,
after a long hard winter, the new green herbs give us enrichment for life.

I served these with Barb Rokitka's recipe for Kartoffelpuffer ( potato pancakes) that she sent me


The history behind this soup's name is an interesting one. The Thursday before Easter is often called Gründonnerstag in Germany. However in this case, grün , or green, is a modern day corruption of an old, medieval word, greinen , which means to cry. In Christian tradition, the Thursday before Easter is the day on which Christ held the Last Supper and was later betrayed. The medieval word greinen marked this day as one of sorrow for Christ's eventual martyrdom. Maundy is a word that meant something similar to "begging". Today, despite the origin of the day's name, many Germans eat green meals on Gründonnerstag.

I have seen some recipes that call for 7 herbs and some that call for 9.
The nine has to do with and ancient tradition that it should be 3 x the divine number 3.

Some of the herbs that are used are spinach, parsley, leeks, chives, dandelion and sorrel. I have also seen Mugwort, Nettle, Watercress, Daisies and Dandelion.

Here is another use for your dandelions greens, in this soup!

As one German author put it According to ancient tradition, If one or the other herbs is not palpable, we may substitute, for "Traditions are like street lamps. They show the way, but only a drunkard clings to her!" (P. Werner)

All the herbs are noted for different medicinal purposes as well, and meant to help you get through the year healthy.

The leftover soup can be used as a sauce and served with hard boiled egg halves, or as a topping for asparagus.

Children bringing in the new Spring by eating Grundonnerstagsuppe with some crusty bread, and fresh flowers on the table!

Come into my kitchen and let's make
Grünerdonnerstag suppe with step by step pictures


( Easter Bread also called Babka Osterbrot)


Osterbrot is a traditional Easter Bread it is baked in various shapes and often with decorated Easter eggs.


(Easter Fountain)

Osterbrunen in Münchsteinach, Bavaria

Osterbrunen is the tradition of decorating a well with eggs for Easter.
The well is a symbol that water is so important in life to drink and
also for crops.
The egg of course is a symbol of new life.


German Osterfeuer

German Easter Bonfire

Willard Austria

A German tradition is the Easter Fire (Osterfeuer)

In Germany, the Easter bonfires can trace their origin as a custom back to the 16th Century but probably date back to pre-Christian times. The light from the fire symbolically represents the driving-out of winter and the coming of warmth. The practice is also supposed to increase the fertility of fields. In the Christian tradition the Easter bonfire is a sign of the resurrection of Christ.

In Germany, each village collects their tree trimmings on Holy Saturday. As you can imagine, when a WHOLE village makes a brush pile, its pretty big! They make a flag and stick it on top of their brush pile, and then "guard" it Saturday night from neighboring village kids who would try and take it. They then burn the fire Easter Sunday.

Cool Video of an Osterfeuer

The Easter fire in Bad Eilsen on April 7 2012 was particularly exciting. Shortly after the fire was successfully lit by the Eilser children's fire brigade, the weir was called to a mission. What was considered welcome entertainment and a test alarm turned out to be a serious effort. Otherwise it was bitterly cold (much colder than Christmas) and unfortunately there was no mulled wine.

Thinking about getting a grinder?

KitchenAid FGA Food Grinder Attachment for Stand Mixers  

1 X (5) Pc SET New Grinding plate discs and knife for Kitchenaid Mixer FGA Food Chopper and Meat Grinding  

Fine Meat grinder plate for Chefs Choice Meat grinder mincer and chopper. Fits the Kitchenaid mixer.  

KitchenAid mixer cutter blade knife for food meat grinder. (1, A)  

#5 Sausage Stuffer plate and knife for Chefs Choice meat grinder & food chopper that fits Kitchenaid mixer  

KitchenAid KSM150PSER 5-Qt. Artisan Series with Pouring Shield - Empire Red  


3 in 1Grinder
by Kitchen Basics

Meat Grinder
Sausage Stuffer
Pasta Maker

Modern day version of the Crank Grinder


Our German Cookbook

A recipe book and short biography of my Grandmother Emma Block. Her recipes, culture and cooking styles that were brought over from Germany. How they evolved when she came to America in the early 1900s and settled in Portland, Oregon on the west coast of the United States. Over 100 recipes

to order just the cookbook with the CD

Bonus Recipe CD with the Ebook and recipes with step by step pictures


Order the Kindle Version


Biography of my grandma
Emma Block
From Germany with Love tells the story of my grandma, Emma Block, growing up in a little town in Baden/ Würtemberg, Germany near Heidelberg named Steinsfurt. Then at the age of 15 immigrating to the United States, taking a train with one of her sisters and brothers to Hamburg and sailing the Atlantic with other hope filled Germans wanting to make a life in the "New World". It was not easy but with good values learned in her German upbringing made a full life, had a wonderful family with lots of fun and celebration including the great German meals.

Order Here



Karin Elliot born and raised in Germany
is a chef and wonderful friend giving me encouragement through the years here and donated her recipes for our newsletter. She also does wonderful volunteer work like providing meals for school children in need in Tuscon, Arizona.

Many German-Americans and German immigrants are interested in Native American items from books and movies to jewelry and arts and craft supplies. Karin will take care of you personally with her online store Native Rainbows

German Music

Through modern technology we can enjoy music from Germany at the touch of your computer, there are many venues now, Pandora, Amazon music, and Youtube is free.

I love my noise canceling headphones that are completely wireless and give incredible sound!

Bose Headphones

over 2500 perfect reviews, it is a bit of an investment but worth every penny.



Ein guter Freund-

Max Raabe & Palast Orchester -


Du kannst nicht treu sein 2012

Funky Marys

 Du kannst nicht treu sein, nein, nein, das kannst du nicht,

wenn auch dein Mund mir wahre Liebe verspricht.

In deinem Herzen hast du für viele Platz,
darum bist du auch nicht für mich der richtige Schatz.

Du kannst nicht treu sein,
nein, nein, das kannst du nicht,
wenn auch dein Mund mir wahre Liebe verspricht.
In deinem Herzen hast du für viele Platz, darum bist du auch nicht für mich der richtige Schatz.

Du kannst nicht treu sein, nein, nein, das kannst du nicht, wenn auch dein Mund mir wahre Liebe verspricht. In deinem Herzen hast du für viele Platz, darum bist du auch nicht für mich der richtige Schatz.

You can not be faithful, no, no, you can not,

even if your mouth promises me true love.

In your heart you have room for many
that's why you're not the right sweetheart for me.

You can not be faithful
no, no, you can not,
even if your mouth promises me true love.
In your heart you have space for many, so you are not the right sweetheart for me.

You can not be faithful, no, no, you can not, even if your mouth promises me true love. In your heart you have space for many, so you are not the right sweetheart for me.



Popular German Volksmusic from the group,

Oesch's die Dritten

Melanie Oesch is a popular singer and yodeler. We really love her music




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The German Goodies Facebook Page

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My Newsletters

This is the newsletter you are reading now, called the German Goodies Recipe Newsletter. I have been publishing this for 20 years now and we have had a lot of fun doing it.

If you enjoy the history I talk about in this newsletter you will also love the history of other dishes and foods I like to do in my
Food History Newsletter