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   Recipes From a German Grandma


Grandma, in the Block’s basement laundry area, bathing “Pal.” Pets had to keep clean, too!

Keeping Clean the Hard Way
Grandma’s Home Medical Practice

some excerpts;
Bee-stings brought out the soda-box, and a paste was made of the moistened soda and applied to the sting. Grandpa had a sure cure for the sting; he chewed up a wad of chewing tobacco and stuck it on the sore spot! ...Onions were also the first aid of choice when bee-stings occurred. The onion was peeled and a small amount grated, applied to the sting, and covered with a bandage. Scrapes and sores were often treated by rubbing Zinc Oxide Ointment on them. If the skin was broken, Iodine or Mercurochrome were painted on.


Yours Truly,

Stephen Block


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Last updated November 19, 2008