Our German Recipe Cookbook

Comes with bonus recipe CD with step by step pictures

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German Beef Dishes

Beef Dishes are popular in Germany, roasts, braised stews like Goulash,
and dishes with Hackfleisch (ground beef) Steaks are not as popular as in
the United States.

Another great         Kitchen Project             Recipes from a German Grandma                 German OnlineShop

Beef is called Rindfleisch in the German language. There are many braised beef dishes roasts and stews. topping, while other's have a custard filling, like Bienenstich Kuchen.



In Germany, the Sauerbraten method was often used in cooking Venison or other game, as the spices and vinegar took away the “wild” taste of the meat. Most of us make it with beef, these days, and so did Grandma Block.

Emma's Beef Goulash

This is a very basic typical Beef Goulash that is beef, onions and some spices.
Very simple

More Goulash recipes here.

Rindfleisch Stew with Potato Cheese Knoephla

I am taking some cooking license here and using German ideas to create my own thing. The stew uses beer, paprika and caraway much like a Goulash and the Knoephla is a take on the German -Russian favorite Knoephla, and the Penn Dutch filling for Boova Schenkel.

Beef Schaschlik

This is a German- Turkish- Hungarian fusion dish that is very popular in German Roadside stands. It is unique to me in that it is the first Kebab style dish that is braised rather than BBQued. The sauce is absolutely delicious.

Boova Shenkel
(Dutch Meat Rolls)

This is a Pennsylvania Dutch recipe.Boova Shenkel

Corned Beef and Cabbage
and it's German Heritage

The popularity of Corned Beef and Cabbage in the United States is due most likely with the German Jews that migrated to the US. In Ireland you would generally make a Bacon joint and cabbage, which is a cut of pork, that was hard to find outside of Ireland. The corned beef brisket was a close second that they could find in New York, and the German Jewish owners made all the time, since they didn't use pork.

Gaisburger Marsch

This is German for "The March of Gaisburg, which is a district of Stuttgart, Germany. There are varying stories of how this rich beef stew got it's name, one says that the soldiers loved the stew so much they marched all the way to a restaurant in Gaisburg named Bäckerschmide.

Königsberger Klopse

This dish originates from the city of Königsberg and is very popular there.
It is characterized by meatballs simmered in broth rather than fried.
The sauce is then flavored with cream or sour cream, lemon and capers.


This is a popular dish in Bremen, in Northern Germany. The word Labskaus may have it's roots in a slang term for a sailor. This dish was popular for the sailors and dock workers and remains to this day.

Mushroom Rouladen

Like a stuffed Beef Rouladen, only with mushroom dressing


Beef Braised in Beer Gravy
Schmor means braised in German. This is a nice Winter dish, that can be done in a large Pot like a Dutch Oven or a Crock Pot.


This is a German classic dish that is beef rolled up with a stuffing that consists of bacon, onions, mustard and believe it or not dill pickle. There are many recipes that do not have the dill pickle in them.

Schweizer Steak

German style Swiss Steak.

Steak Schwenkbraten

This is indigenous to the city of Idar-Oberstein and the area around there.
German Gem miners traveled to Argentina and learned to cook steaks from
the Gauchos. They brought it back and put their own German spin on it.



Our Family

from a
German Grandma

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Where to shop for German Foods and Things

I order from the German Deli more frequently than ever.
I try to get in bulk to make the shipping dollars count.
Also there are sales all the time I like to take advantage of.
They are nice folks. If you don't believe me call them.
and tell them Stephen Block sent you from the German Goodies Newsletter
Shop for German Food



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Listen to German Music
Listen to the Chicken Dance, and download it
CD's recommendations and links

Do you have a German Name?
Also what your German name means

Do you want to learn to speak a little German?
Learn one word a day.

Explore your German Heritage
Find out if your relatives came over through Ellis Island and more good links




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Last updated July 10, 2018