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Boova Shenkel
Directions: After seasoning the beef with salt and pepper, stew the meat for 2 or 3 hours until thoroughly tender. Then make dough, sift- ing flour, adding baking powder, salt, lard and butter. Mix into a pie crust dough, roll into a dozen circles of 8 to 10 inches diameter. Steam the potatoes, pared and sliced thin, add salt and pepper, 2 tablespoons butter, the parsley and onion, and then beat lightly the 3 eggs into the mixture. Put this mixture on the circles of dough, after it has stood a little while, roll over and press the pastry edges together tightly along the edge. Drop these into the stew pot with the meat and its stew water. Cover the pot tightly and cook for 30 minutes slowly. To make a sauce for this, the fat should have been skimmed from the stew-pot before putting in the dough rolls, and this used in a frying pan with a tablespoon of butter to brown diced stale bread croutons, adding half a cup of milk.
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Last updated July 10, 2018