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Barbara's Goetta

What is Goetta? Goetta, a German dish, is often compared to
breakfast sausage or scrapple.  It is a unique,
delicious and nutritious mixture of pork, beef,
and whole grains, like steel-cut (pinhead) oats, and seasonings.

you will need
1 large cooking pot ( 3 gallon)

Approximately 1 1/2-2 lb pork roast (boneless cut into 3 inch chunks)
Approximately 1 1/2-2 lb beef roast (boneless cut into 3 inch chunks)

2 large onions, rough chopped
4 Bay leaves
20 Whole Allspice
20 Whole Peppercorns
20 Whole Cloves
2 Tablespoons of Salt

1 1/2 cups of steel cut oats
1 1/2 cups of long cooking barley

printer friendly

courtesy of Glier's Goetta


1. Cover all ingredients except oats and barley with water and bring to a boil. Cover and lower heat to slightly boiling for approximately 3-4 hours.

2. When fully cooked, remove meat, onions and spices from liquid and add oats and barley.

3. Cook on low heat while stirring frequently to prevent sticking to bottom of pot. Cook until mixture is hard to stir. It usually takes about 1 to 2 hrs to cook.

4. While cereal is cooking, grind the cooked pork and beef together. When cereal is cooked, add ground meat to mixture. You cand chop finely by hand or use the pulse mechanism on a food processor to simulate a coarse grind.

5. Add salt, ground allspice and cloves to taste. Stir well to make sure cereal and meat are mixed well.

6. Store in sterlized quart canning jars in the refrigerator.

7. Remove enough sausage mixture to make a 1/4-1/2 inch sandwich size patty. Fry on griddle or in frying pan until medium brown on both sides.

Panhas (like scrapple)

Purchase Glier's Goetta

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Last updated March 9, 2009