4 squash blossoms
1 cup ceam cheese
2 tablespoons fresh herbs like basil chopped
1 tablespoon chopped shallots or onions
1/ 2 cup flour
1 egg
2 tablespoons water
about 1 / 4 cup canola or olive oil for frying

Fill the squash blossom with 1/4 of the cream cheese mix

This is how I wrap the fronds around the cheese mix

Dip the squash blossom in the flour and then in the egg mixture.
This may sound backward but it is a popular way to do it.
Fry the blossom for about a minute on medium heat until it is
lightly browned on one side.

Flip the blossom over and brown the other side.
Then drain it on a towel and serve.

Stuffed Zucchini
with Cheese and Herb Stuffing