Tilapia en Papiollte History
This method of cooking wether it be meat, fish or just vegetables is fantastic for developing this pouch full of steamy moist chamber that mingles all the flavors and aromas and you get this blast of goodness when you slice open the pouch.
For Fat Friendly: we eliminate the butter, flour and cream in this recipe, which we show you how to do.
8 oz sliced mushrooms
12 large prawns
1/2 cup diced purple onion or shallot
1/4 cup diced parsley
4 minced garlic cloves, in oil
Butter and olive oil for frying
2 tablespoons flour
Fresh dill sprigs
white wine
For Bed of Vegetables:
asparagus tips
green onions
1 cup seafood or chicken stock (for fat friendly)
4-5 oz filets of Sole or similar fish
4, 18 inch squares of Cooking Parchment Paper
4 servings:

printer friendly | metric calculator |

1. Start with gathering the ingredients for the filling.
Then pre heat the oven to 450 degrees |

2. Saute the onions or shallots and garlic till tender.

2. Add the mushrooms and cook till tender.
Add the flour and cook for 30 seconds. |

3. Add the white wine and cream and cook till smooth. I put the sauce in a bowl and ready for assembly. |

4. Take a piece of the parchment paper which you folded diagonal and cut to make a sqaure, then cut out a heart shape. |

5. Brush the heart shape and flip over. |

6. Place the spinach, green onions, down, then the sole filets on top, then the prawns, then 1/2 cup of the topping and then the asparagus tips and dill sprigs.

7. For a fat friendly version of this dish put down the spinach, raw mushrooms, and asparagus. |

8. Then add the sole, then prawns and finish with some dill,green onions and some of your favorite seasoning on the fish or salt and pepper. |

9. To make the pouch, fold over the other half, start at the top of the heart and crimp the edges in one inch creases overlapping each crease a little all the way around.
If you are making the fat friendly version add the wine and a little seafood stock just before you twist the bottom closed. |

10. when you get to the end, twist the end. It will help seal the pouch and keep in the steam. Place the packets on cookie sheets. |

11. Bake in a 450 degree oven for 15 minutes. It should puff up like a balloon. |

Let the guest open up the pouch and watch the steam and aromas billow up to smell.

It is fun to eat it right out of the pouch. I like to use a scissors and cut 2 nice flaps.

Also eating out of the pouch you keep the sauce in. |
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