1. Cut the Brussels Sprouts ends off and take off the loose leaves, and then cut in half.
2. Keep the loose leaves and put them in a separate bowl
(The wine is for drinking which can make the preparation better or at least more fun!)

Put the sprouts cut side down in a cold skillet, so you don't burn yourself.
Add 5 Tablespoon
of oil and bring to a simmer, then cover and cook for 5 minutes
so it will steam the sprouts crisp tender.
Then uncover and let the sprout s brown.
When the sprouts get a good browning on them,
toss them and put the nicely browned ones to the side and
the ones that are not quite browned enough
put them toward the center where the most heat is.
While this is finishing up I toss the loose leaves in a
tablespoon of olive oil and toast them in the air fryer or oven till crispy,
about 8 minutes at 400 F

Add the leaves, the salt and pepper, and add the minced garlic, orange zest and grated parmesan.
toss well and serve.