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The History of Banana's Foster

r Wendy Harman

By Jenene from Chinatown, New York City, USA - Flickr CC

Bananas Foster is has a fun whimiscal sort of background and so easy to make and do variations on this theme, for a breakfast or even a cocktail.

What is Banana's Foster?

Banana's Foster is a dessert where banana's are sauted in butter with brown sugar with some

cinnamon and then flamed with dark rum and banana liqueur. Then it is served with ice cream or whipped cream. Some times nuts like pecans would be added. You can also do this in a crepe.

When was this dish created ?

The dish was created in 1951 by by Ella Brennan of the famous Brennan's restaurant in New Orleans and the restaurant's chef Paul Blangé

Brennan's Restaurant

What does the Foster mean ?
Richard Foster was the head of the crime commission in New Orleans at the time and a great customer of Brennans.

Who came up with this idea?
The Brennan's came up with idea as they were trying to compete with nearby Antoine's Restaurant where they were killing it with their Baked Alaska. Since Owen Brennan also was part owner of a produce company and New Orleans was the dock where most of the banana's in the states arrived they had lots and lots of bananas on hand. This helped to use them up as it became a very popular dessert. Ella Brennan the Owen's wife remembered her mother frying up the bananas so that was a catalyst for the dish.

To Make Banana's Foster and Banana's Foster Crepes go to Our Food History Cafe






Flambe Pic

By Jenene from Chinatown, New York City, USA - Flickr, CC BY 2.0,

Brennan's Photo

Brennans photo of Banana's Foster

r Wendy Harman



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