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This means hand made cheese like Old Fashioned Cottage Cheese
or Bauernhandkäse would be Farmer's Hand Cheese
In the Pennsylvania Dutch area they call it Smearcase.


1 quarts any % milk (Skim to whole )

(use pasteurized, instead of ultra-pasteurized, if available)

Powdered milk also works well .

3 Tblsp. white distilled vinegar

(May use 2 tablespoons vinegar and 1 tablespoon lemon juice, for a nice flavor)

1/2 tsp Kosher salt. If using table salt
reduce by half.

Cheesecloth, rinsed

printer friendly

Heat the Milk , stiring constantly until 168 degrees,( Just before boiling )

!!!!If you get much beyond this it won't work well so watch it closely.!!!!!

Add the vinegar and stir till the curds form.

Here you can see the milk had curdled and seperated the curds and the whey.

Strain the curds into a colander lined with cheese cloth which has been set ina pot large enough to catch the liquid.

Squeeze the curds out to get the excess whey out. At this point you can hang the cheese up in a cool area and let it drain further and ripen. It will get firmer and age.

Put the curds into a bowl and add the salt.

At this point you can use for all kinds of dishes, like cheesecake or make a nice cheese spread with caraway and chives or green onions.



German Style Cheescake

German Caraway Cheese

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Last updated February 25, 2009